Simplify Payments and Accounting with Stripe and Sirvoy: A Game-Changer for Hotels and B&Bs

April 18, 2024, 09:04 EDT Read article

From Search to Stay: Enhancing Hotel Visibility with Google Hotel Ads and Sirvoy

An estimated 100 thousand Google searches happen every second1 and an overwhelming majority (91.6%) of all online searches happen through …

4 Ways a Hospitality Management System Benefits Your Business

A Hospitality Management System (HMS), like Sirvoy, is the tool accommodation businesses use to handle their hundreds of daily tasks. …

The Ultimate Guide to Sirvoy’s Front Desk & How to Boost Hotel Efficiency

The front desk is the hub of your hotel. It’s where you greet guests and make reservations. It’s the brain …

How to Better Organize Your Hotel With Sirvoy’s Ever-Practical Calendar Page

Nearly 700 million people are expected to make online bookings in 2023.1 Like all hospitality professionals, you’re looking forward to …

Three Housekeeping Opportunities to Satisfy Hotel Guests and Cut Costs

How does your property entice guests to book or leave a great review? The attentive staff? Grand vistas? Or delectable …

Connecting to a Channel Manager; is it Worth the Cost?

A channel manager has always been the first port of call for any hoteliers needing an effective distribution strategy for …

Why There’s Never Been a Better Time to Change Your PMS

Have you felt at times like your PMS is just a drain on your bank account and mental health and …

What is the Difference Between a Property Management System and a Channel Manager?

Running a hospitality business like a hotel, B&B or hostel can be both time-consuming and stressful if you’re trying to …

Four Reasons why Virtual Cards are Revolutionizing the Hotel Booking Industry

It’s likely that by now you will have heard the term ‘virtual cards’ bandied about but there seems to be …

How to Choose a Payment Solution for Your Hospitality Business

There are so many choices on the market you may wonder how it’s possible to pick one payment gateway over …