Google Hotel Ads and Google Free Booking Links can advertise your hotel or resort on Google services and link directly to your website. 

How are Google Free Booking Links and Google Hotel Ads Different?

Google Free Booking Links cost nothing and are shown based on their value to Google users. Google Hotel Ads are paid links and are shown to Google users based on Google’s ad auction. 

But otherwise, the content is the same.

Before You Start:

A Google Business Profile is required. For help getting started, check out Google for Hotels 101.

Make sure you meet all of the following requirements from Google before activating the connection in Sirvoy.

In Sirvoy:

  • Hotel Contact Details at Settings -> Sirvoy account -> Contact details must match your Google Business Profile.
  • “Requests or confirmations” under general booking engine options must be set to “Automatically confirm new bookings”.
  • The booking engine used for your Google connection must have “How close to check-in guests can book” set to 0 days. 

In Google:

  • Your Google Business Profile needs up-to-date room pictures and descriptions.
  • The property and its registered category on your Google Business Profile must be either “hotel” or “resort”, other categories like “vacation rental” are not supported.
  • The property must meet Google’s qualifications for a lodging business, such as:
    • All rooms at one location
    • A front desk for check-ins
    • On-site management at all times
    • Walk-in guests allowed

On Your Website

  • Your website should prove, with descriptions and pictures, that you meet the above requirements.

How to Connect Your Sirvoy Account to Google Hotel Ads or Google Free Links

  1. Go to Settings > Channels and click Connect next to Google Hotel Ads.
  2. Under Choose bid strategy, select your preferred bidding option. For paid ads, choose a CPC strategy and set your bid amount. For free ads, select Only Free Booking Links (FBL).
    • Ads will automatically optimize, so set the maximum amount you are willing to bid.
  3. Under “Booking engine ID”, specify a booking engine.
  4. Under “URL for booking page on your website”, enter the URL where the booking engine is installed. 
    • If left blank, guests will be directed to a page with only the booking engine (hosted by Sirvoy).
  5. Click “Save”.

Your Sirvoy and Google accounts are now connected! 

Before You Go:

Now that you’re connected to Google Ads, here are some things you should know.

  • Ad costs are deducted each month from your Sirvoy account balance on behalf of Google (currency conversion may apply).
  • A guarantee of $60/€50 (or the equivalent in your account’s currency) is reserved from your Sirvoy account balance for Google Ads. If Google Ads are deactivated, the reserved amount is released. The reserved amount and Google Ad spending are reported on your Sirvoy account statements. 
  • If your account balance drops below zero, Google Ads will stop running until the account is refilled.
  • Google only charges a commission for completed bookings, but it is still owed if the booking is canceled. When deciding the commission percentage, take into account the average cancellation rate for your property.
  • Google ads optimize over time. Allow enough time to pass before evaluating the result or changing settings.
  • The Google Hotel Ads connection can only advertise the price for 2 guests.