Sirvoy’s channel manager can automatically update your availability and retrieve bookings from the Expedia network. Follow these instructions to activate the connection.

Tip: Our support team can set this up with you.

Before You Start:

  • Ensure your Expedia pricing model is set to OBP (Occupancy Based Pricing) and LAR (Lowest Available Rate). Contact your Expedia account manager if you are unsure about these settings.

Connect to Expedia Partner Central

1. Log in to Expedia Partner Central and select your accommodation.

2. Go to the “Rooms and Rates” tab.

3. Select “Expedia Connectivity Settings”.

4. In the dropdown, select Sirvoy.

5. Select both connectivity options: “Availability and rates” and “Booking retrieval”.

6. Click “Submit”.

Map Your Room Types:

7. Within 24 hours, we’ll email you about mapping room types.

8. Map your room types on Expedia to the matching ones in Sirvoy to finalize the connection.


Your Sirvoy and Expedia accounts are now connected!

From now on, Sirvoy will control rates, availability, and restrictions for your Expedia account. So make all future updates to those features in Sirvoy, as they will override those settings in Expedia. 

Changes made in Sirvoy will apply to Expedia within minutes.

Before You Go:

  • Rooms are bookable immediately after the connection activates, so ensure all room types have the correct availability.
  • Credit card handling:
    • Any credit card details you receive on Expedia will also be sent to your Sirvoy account.
    • To access credit card information, use the Sirvoy Vault. If you use Sirvoy’s Stripe integration, credit card details will be stored there automatically.
