Beware of Fradulent Job Listings

If you’ve found this page, we assume it’s because you’re interested in working with us. Maybe you’ve heard great things about our team and work culture. That means a lot to us, and we appreciate you taking an interest.

Unfortunately, though, there has been an increase in fake job postings that is affecting large to small companies across the world. It’s come to our attention that scammers have tried these tactics using Sirvoy’s information, without our knowledge, in an attempt to extract money from unsuspecting job hunters. Please be aware that Sirvoy however, will never, ever request personal information or money in advance of a job interview.

To protect yourself from fraud, remember that Sirvoy:

  • Never recruits on Sirvoy’s social media.
  • Doesn’t have user ‘portals’ to login and view vacancies.